How we found liquid gold and put her in a squeezy pouch.

Question: If you had a dollar for every time you’ve woken up hungover – how rich would you be?
If you’re anything like us, you’d be using more than your fingers and toes to count. But what if we asked that same question to your South Korean doppelgänger?
Truth: they wouldn’t be doing very much counting. They’d probably just smile back at you – and hand you over a Bae.
Get Some Seoul
You know the drill. Westerners love to travel to the east - wide-eyed and up-for-anything. That’s what your 20’s are for right? Culture-trips and nipple-slips.
So there we were in Seoul. S-Town. The Party City. Think NYC crossed with Berlin and Bangkok - then add some. Remember GANGNAM STYLE? Like that, but better.
And those Koreans know how to party. Their pride and joy drink, Soju, is lethal – talk about getting lit. It’s like a shot of rocket fuel that sends you to the stars.
You think Australians drinkhard? No-way. Our stamina can’t compete.
Yet somehow Koreans always manage to back it up.
What’s their secret? Liquid gold. (Pear juice) - 배 (Bae).

image: Ethan Brooke on Unsplash.
Bae Day
Big nights start in little convenience stores. That’s the way they do things in Korea and it’s glorious. You duck in and grab yourself a traveller for the road.
Drink. Repeat. Drink. Repeat.
First cab off the rank one fateful eve, we met Bae. She was sitting there on a fridge shelf in a yellow and red can. Idle and innocent. Ready to play. She was like some exotic energy drink that all the locals seemed to swear by. We got curious and had to investigate.
“What are you all chugging down?” In a split second Bae was in hand.
“It’s Korean Pear juice – stops your hangover.” This couldn’t be real.
How had Aussies never heard of this? Some miracle tonic that was going to stop a dusty morning? Sign us up! We’ll try anything once.
Bae was down the hatch and an epic night ensued. What’s the worst thing that could happen? A little pear juice never hurt nobody.
Bae Day After
We woke up. No headache. To be honest, we felt surprisingly fresh. Something had definitely stopped the dark cloud of regret from brewing.
Was it Bae? Or the Kimchi? We couldn’t be sure. So we put our bodies on the line again in the name of science.
Special Operation: Pear-Juice Pregame.
It consisted of a few more Baes followed by a few more big nights. The findings of that intensive study were then cross-checked with Dr. Google. Without bogging you down with a technical analysis – here are our main conclusions:
1. Bae kickstarts a really good night.
2. Bae helps make the bed the morning after.
Too good to be true? We think so too. That’s why we are letting you in on the secret.
Weekends are the time to make stories for Monday. Bae is your new bestie to help you remember them.
Before anything else, drink Bae.